Why isn't the Osmo game correctly detecting what I'm doing?

Detection issues can be due to one of the following reasons:
  • The camera settings may be incorrect.
    If you're using an iPad, please make sure that the Osmo games are checked under Settings > Privacy > Camera.
    To ensure the games appear in that section, you need to go to to Settings > General > Restrictions. If an app is listed as "on", then tap on it and enter your restrictions passcode. Check that camera access is allowed.

  • The device may need to be restarted.
    The next thing to try is to restart your device and see if the game runs.

    Here are the instructions for iPads and Amazon Fire tablets.

  • There may be a camera hardware issue.
    If that does not help, the main cause of these errors we've seen is camera hardware issues. To check this, do the following:
    • Start FaceTime on your iPad or the camera app on your Amazon Fire tablet
    • You should see yourself on screen, if you see a black screen or the app crashes, there is an issue with your camera hardware.
  • Other possible issues:
    • If you are using Osmo with the classic iPad base, make sure that the inserts in the base are correct for your iPad model. If you look down on the white base, you should see text like 'iPad Air - iPad Mini' or 'iPad 2- iPad 3 - iPad 4'. Please make sure the text matches your iPad model. See our video on this step.
    • Make sure that the base and reflector that you are using are compatible with your device. Refer to our complete list of compatible devices.
    • Your hands may be covering the pieces. In this case, take your hands away from the pieces and Osmo should recognize them.
    • The pieces may be too close or too far away for Osmo to see. If this is the case, try sliding your pieces so that they're centered in front of the device.
    • Are you using Osmo in an area with very low light? Try increasing the lighting in the room. Spot lights like desk lamps directly on the play area can create glare which can cause issues. If a lot of light is coming from behind your device, there may be lots of shadows where the camera is trying to see.
    • If you're playing Masterpiece, Monster, or Newton with a Creative Board, make sure the Creative Board is oriented correctly in front of the device, with the Osmo logo sitting next to the device and with the little red bumps sitting on each side of the base. You should also make sure the board has been wiped clean between each drawing.
    • If you're playing a game other than Masterpiece, Monster, or Newton, make sure you aren't playing on the Creative Board. Try placing a plain sheet of 8.5'x11' white copy paper underneath the base (longways) and use that to place the pieces on top of.
    • Is the reflector on backwards?
    • Is there a protective film still on the reflector? If so, please remove.
    • Is the reflector dirty? Please wipe with microfiber cloth.
    • Is the reflector cracked? Please request a replacement.
    • Are any of the game pieces dirty or defective? Please follow these cleaning instructions or request a replacement.
    • If you're using an iPad, are you running iOS 15 or newer? (iOS 15 is the minimum requirement for Osmo.)
    • If you're using a Fire tablet, are you running Fire OS 7.0 or newer? (Fire OS 7.0 is the minimum requirement for Osmo.)
If you continue to experience difficulty, please contact the tech support team through this support form with a photo of your Osmo setup and the model number of your device so they can assist you further.
Can’t find your answer in our support center? Contact us directly.