How do I optimize Osmo setup in a classroom environment?

Please reference the Osmo Education page for information about:

- Osmo setup

- Sample lessons

Also, please have a look at some of our other resources:

- PDF game guides

- Osmo YouTube channel

More information about Osmo setup:

1- To set up a new Osmo, teachers will need to go to this URL (which is printed on the inside of every Osmo product box):

2- From there each one of them will receive an activation email. After they click on the activation link in the email, they'll be able to sign into their myOsmo account and see their activation code (school code).

3- Please note that any device can be connected to any number of myOsmo accounts.

4- Each teacher can then create student profiles under his or her myOsmo account if they need to save their students' game progress. In some cases, we've seen teachers create a single profile for an entire class (if saving individual game progress is not important).

5- To add student profiles, please log into your myOsmo account and click on 'myProfiles' on top of the page. You will be able to easily add multiple profiles and even upload a spreadsheet.

6- To upload a spreadsheet, first export it in CSV format. Here are the instructions for Microsoft Excel (other spreadsheet programs have similar options).

Or simply create a text file with student names and grade levels that looks, e.g., like this:

MarySmith,1st grade

(PLEASE NOTE: profile names can only contain English alphabet letters and numbers; no spaces or special characters are allowed.)

You can also create profiles inside Osmo apps. To add player profiles inside an Osmo app, open any Osmo app on your device and tap on the myOsmo icon in the top right hand corner.

Once you have created one profile, you can tap on that profile's icon in the top right corner to get back to the profile creation screen and add more profiles.

After you create the profiles on one device, they will show up on any other devices you may be using with Osmo. If they don't, please restart the Osmo apps, and the profiles should show up.

Students can connect to myOsmo by manually entering the activation code for their teacher's myOsmo account. To do that, they can open any Osmo app and tap the myOsmo button in the top right corner of the home screen. Then they can tap 'Log in' in the pop-up window and tap 'Login with your school code' to connect with their teacher's activation code.

Please also see our PDF guide to myOsmo.

Can’t find your answer in our support center? Contact us directly.